9 of the Most Common OSHA Fines

Many construction businesses make the choice to not have a dedicated safety initiative, since they feel that they are too small for one. However, no matter the size of the company, it can still be cited for safety violations, which can cost a pretty penny. Safety isn’t just about following the law, however. It is about protecting your employees. Here are the most common OSHA fines.


All too often, employees are thrown into a position without the proper training. This happens especially in smaller companies where they may not have the personnel dedicated to training. It’s vital to allot time for safety training, no matter how large your company is. Spending time on training can save lost man-hours later.

Hazard Communications

All hazardous materials on site should be listed and displayed in a prominent spot. As well, all employees should be fully trained in how to use these materials, and data sheets on the material safety should be available as well.

Head Safety

Hard hats must be worn on a job site, as objects can easily fall from heights and cause serious injury. Workers are at risk for walking into support beams or other hazards.

Improperly Designed Wiring

Wiring that is installed or designed incorrectly can be a major cause of accidents. Make sure that all wiring is up to code, and that the proper equipment is used for handling electrical wiring.

Ladder Safety

Ladders must be in good working order, and not bent or missing rungs. Work should not be done while on a ladder. It should only be used for getting to certain heights.

Aerial Lifts

Only those who are properly trained and qualified should be using aerial lifts. As well, all equipment should be properly inspected. Before lifting, everyone involved should meet and discuss a “lift plan” for what is going to happen during the lift.

Fall Protection

When working at heights, all equipment should be installed and used correctly, and only properly trained employees should be doing it. All employees should be trained around the dangers of working at heights.

Excavation Requirements

Before performing an excavation, you should have the right permits, have a plan for egress, and plan to inspect the excavation site daily.

Ongoing Training

There should be regular safety meetings to provide extra training as well as to discuss safety issues. This can involve discussing new equipment, hazardous materials, or any other safety-related topic that needs discussing.

Construction job sites are dangerous places to be, and there are many ways to be found in violation of the OSHA. Make sure your site is up to code.

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